Trufferie Setup

Interested in establishing a Trufferie? We can assist you in determining if your land and location is suitable.

Before calling, please work through the checklist below. If any of the criteria are not met than it is more than likely your land or location is not suitable for truffle production.


Temperature Summer               25 – 32 degrees Celsius average
Winter                  0 – 15 degrees Celsius average
Soil Free draining
Low nutrient availability
Karri loam soils have proven to be best for Truffle production in Western Australia
pH 7.2 – 7.6 (this can be adjusted via lime applications)
Aspect Gentle slope to assist with drainage
Water A good, high quality water supply.
Requirements from 500 litres / tree / week for 5 months of the year.
Area Commercially viable trufferies are generally 2 – 5 acres (1 – 2 hectares) in size comprising of approximately 180 trees per acre or 450 per hectare.

The best climatic area best suited for Truffle production in Western Australia is;

  • East to Denmark
  • West to Cowaramup (Margaret River)
  • North to Donnybrook
  • South to Northcliffe

If you meet the criteria Contact us for pricing, tree availability and more information.

Trees can be shipped to all parts of Australia. To be an economically viable proposition, due to freight charges, quantities of one hundred trees or greater is ideal.